
BORGO A MOZZANO - Piano di Gioviano, SP2 Lodovica.



venerdì 11 dicembre 2015

[EndEcocide] Film with Vivienne Westwood launched . LANCIO DEL NUOVO FILM .

End Ecocide Film with Vivienne Westwood launched

End Ecocide Video Launch
'Trouble in Paradise' 

This morning, at the COP21 climate talks in Paris, End Ecocide on Earth are launching an Ecocide Law video starring Vivienne Westwood and Andreas Kronthaler.   We wanted to make sure you, knew about the video launch first, hence this short email.
This exciting new film - 'Ecocide in Paradise' is an artistic interpretation of the devastation on earth caused by highly polluting extractive industries.  Adam and Eve are expelled from paradise where they experience the disturbing impact of ecocides such as; deforestation, oil spills, and open cast mining.  On the brink of death, Eve leaps into action to save the planet by introducing the law of ecocide.

End Ecocide on Earth are asking for your support with networking the video around your social media and email contact lists, please forward this newsletter, and post online.
Here are some Twitter suggestions:
'Trouble in paradise' #EndEcocide             
·        Westwood ends ecocide! #EcocideLaw   
·        Adam and Eve defend the Earth! #EcocideLaw #COP21 http://ow.ly/VIKwC             
·        Vivienne Westwood launches #EcocideLaw video #COP21 http://ow.ly/VIKwC
·        Adam and Eve defend the Earth! #EndEcocide #COP21 http://ow.ly/VIKwC
You can tweet to:  @endecocideUK   and @FollowWestwood & @EndEcocideEU & @climate_rev
and suggested posts for facebook:
·        Vivienne Westwood & Andreas Kronthaler  launch #EcocideLaw video – Trouble in Paradise.
·        https://youtu.be/X062GHDjEw0
·        Exciting new video on Ecocide Law featuring Vivienne Westwood & Andreas Kronthaler  https://youtu.be/X062GHDjEw0
·        Watch 'Ecocide in Paradise' ,  a short film, released in Paris starring Vivienne Westwood and her husband and design partner Andreas Kronthaler : https://youtu.be/X062GHDjEw0

Here are also some pictures you can share: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mhm1pzfstb36wrg/AAAK_cRC7x_4AblD8gztKC0Ua?dl=0 

And do please remember to let your friend's and colleagues know about this handy tool for locating ecocide campaigns, in your part of the world. https://www.thinglink.com/scene/383637645953073152#tlsite

Vivienne Westwood said,
' This law is an essential tool in the fight against climate change. Whatever the outcome in Paris we need to build momentum to get this law passed. Where ever you live on the globe I urge you to ask your leaders to introduce this law.'
Prisca Merz, initiator End Ecocide citizens' movement, said:
"This film shows that we still have time to act but the window is closing quickly. The law of ecocide can next be proposed in 2017 and offers a fair and equitable way of holding those responsible to account and trigger the transition to a sustainable and just society. It's time has come." 

For further information on ecocide and the campaign to support it visit:

End Ecocide on Earth
W: www.endecocide.org
T: #EndEcocide 
E: Lucy@endecocide.org
Copyright © 2015 End Ecocide in Europe, All rights reserved.
Thanks for making possible End Ecocide in Europe

Our mailing address is:
End Ecocide in Europe
Barbarossastr 43
Sinzig 53489

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