ASTRO-POSTER by Andreotti Roberto
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The nerve center of asteroid detection in our Solar System
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Near-Earth Asteroid Flyby
Asteroid 2018 XN5 was first observed by Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala on 2018-12-15
It will fly by Earth harmlessly on 2018-12-24 at 15:47 UTC at 3.0 times the distance to the Moon, at a speed (relative to the Earth) of 6.5 km/s. It is estimated to be 14 - 43 meters in size. More Details
Holiday Asteroid Imaged with NASA Radar
Source: NASA/JPL -- The December 2018 close approach by the large, near-Earth asteroid 2003 SD220 has provided astronomers an outstanding opportunity to obtain detailed radar images of the surface and shape of the object and to improve the understanding of its orbit. The asteroid will fly safely past Earth on Saturday, Dec. 22, at a distance of about 1.8 million miles (2.9 million kilometers). This will be the asteroid's closest approach in more than 400 years and the closest until 2070, when the asteroid will safely approach Earth slightly closer. Read More
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